
Supporting Sanofi in their efforts to raise awareness around atopic dermatitis by supporting Tanya's mission and goal: shaking her hand.


Tanya has lived with atopic dermatitis her whole life, impacting her personal relationships, life choices and self-confidence. Sanofi and Tanya looked to break the stigma of around the non-contagious disease, break those barriers by having Tanya shake 15,000 hands across Canada. 15,000 handshakes is the average number of handshakes a person does in a lifetime. Tanya surely needed some support in achieving this number. Why not create a digital component to that effort.


Create a microsite that allows user to perform a handshaking gesture to record their support.

Results (so far):

Handshakes.ca outdid it’s goal in a matter of a weeks, surpassing 15K digital handshakes, supporting the initiative of increasing awareness around Atopic Dermatitis.

This initiative was recognized by the Canadian Marketing Association as a winner of the Silver Award for Best use of Tech in Health.

